Please help us in fighting Spam. Abundance To All, (ATA) is a private invitation only
community and has a zero tolerance Spam policy. We do not allow any form of mass
mailing. Our apologies, if you received any unsolicited emails from any member of our
community. To help us properly police our community and ensure that those who have
abused your privacy and our trust are removed from our membership, please forward the
email in question to .
Once again, we apologize for any inconvenience you may have endured due to an
over-zealous member of our community. Those who are guilty of these infractions will
be terminated as members of our community and this should stop any further unsolicited
emails coming to you. Please however understand, that depending on the kind of promotion
utilized even after the process has been stopped you may still receive a few more emails
that may have already been scheduled. We of course hope that this is not the case but if
so, know that it should be just a temporary situation as we would have acted upon your
complaint immediately.
Thanks for your time, consideration, and once again, we are sorry for any inconvenience
you may have endured.
Best regards,
ATA Admin